Warsaw Quantum Computing Group

We invite you to attend (online) Episode LVI of Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetups!

"How to build a quantum computer?"

Krzysztof Kuba

14.03.2024, 18:00 UTC+1  


The goal of the talk is to give the audience an insight into how quantum computers are built from an engineering point of view.  Algorithms are useless unless they are implemented on a hardware device. Therefore, it is important to have a basic knowledge of the hardware, its capabilities and limitations. First, I will give a brief history and talk about the first quantum computer built in 1998 by Isaac Chuang, Neil Gershenfeld, and Mark Kubinec. I will explain how their approach was different from those used today and how they were able to implement a Grover's search algorithm. Next, I will introduce 3 main architectures of today's quantum computers, namely superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and polarized photons. For each approach, I will explain the physics behind each phenomenon, how quantum gates are implemented, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Another approach to quantum computing that I will consider is quantum annealing. Its working principle is somewhat different from previous methods, but it may still play an important role in future progress. In addition, I will briefly examine the Polish ecosystem of quantum computing hardware, including companies and research centers. As promising as quantum computing seems to be, I think it is important to emphasize how difficult it is to build a quantum computer.

Krzysztof Kuba studies Nanoengineering at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. He is passionate about quantum physics and the mysteries it hides. To satisfy this passion he takes part in activities organized by "QPoland" and "Quantum AI Foundation". Moreover, he is involved in research activities at the Faculty of Physics, which concern the simulation of physical systems and neuromorphic computing.

The meeting is organized by the Quantum AI Foundation.

Strategic Partners: Snarto, Cogit, Sonovero R&D, finQbit