Warsaw Quantum Computing Group

We invite you to attend (remote-only) Episode XLIII of the Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetings!

4.07.2022, 18:00 CEST

Jan Tuziemski & Filip Maciejewski

"Efficient learning and benchmarking of readout noise cross-talk models in near-term quantum devices"

Video recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svQBt2pO8m0

Abstract: Errors occurring during measurement of qubits are a significant source of noise in current quantum computing devices. Characterization of those errors is of crucial importance for improvements of computation quality, since it allows to use error mitigation. However, a complete characterization of quantum detectors scales exponentially with the number of qubits, and becomes infeasible for large devices. In this talk we will introduce an efficient algorithm that allows to characterize a correlated clusters noise model of measurement errors, and present experimental analysis of cross-talk effects in the readout noise of 80- and 127-qubit systems of Rigetti's Aspen-M and IBM's Washington devices.

BIO: Jan Tuziemski is a postdoc working in M. Oszmaniec research group at CFT PAN. He focuses on error characterization techniques for noisy intermediate scale quantum devices. Before joining CFT, he did his PHD at Gdansk University of Technology in 2017 and worked as a postdoc at Stockholm University.

Filip Maciejewski did a BSc in Nanotechnology at the Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw (UW). After 3 years of exciting experimental studies, he decided that it’s time to switch to theory. He joined the group of Michał Oszmaniec (www.quantin.pl) and did MSc in theoretical physics at the Faculty of Physics UW. During his master’s studies, he was involved in a variety of projects in the National Quantum Information Center (KCIK) in Sopot and the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) in Gdańsk. He is currently a PhD student in the group of Michał Oszmaniec in the Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. His research focuses mostly on the theory of quantum measurements, noise characterization and mitigation, and general practical aspects of near-term quantum computing.

This meeting is organized by the Quantum AI Foundation.

Strategic Partners: Snarto, Cogit